From 2017 please follow this link to the new Website for IMPRS MPSSE

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Research seminars:
Electron vortex beams in a magnetic field
K Van Kruining (MPIPKS)
Swings and Roundabouts: Operators and Rays for structured Gaussian beams
M Dennis (Univ. Bristol)
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Farzaneh Zamani
defended her PhD thesis magna cum laude
Karsten Leonhardt
defended his PhD thesis magna cum laude



Welcome to the International Max Planck Research School for "Dynamical Processes in Atoms, Molecules and Solids", a graduate school funded by the Max Planck Society.

The school is located in Dresden and offers, besides excellent research facilities, a training program as well as Ph.D. fellowships and is open for students from all countries world wide. The official language is English. Students are expected to complete a PhD thesis within three years.

It is intended to give young highly motivated students research skills and strong theoretical background in atomic, molecular and optical as well as chemical physics, theoretical and computational chemistry or scientific computing. The research focus of the school is on the modelling in the natural sciences, covering a wide range from finite atomic and molecular systems up to infinite surfaces and solids.

Max Planck Society

The Max Planck Society is a non-profit research organisation, which is organised as a registered society. All of the institutes und facilities of the Max Planck Society are relatively autonomous as far as organisation and research are concerned, but the institutions and facilities have no legal capacity of their own.

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The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems is the hosting institution of our graduate school. The research at the institute in the field of the physics of complex systems ranges from classical to quantum physics and focuses on three main areas, which correspond to the activities of three divisions.

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The Max Planck Institute for the Chemical Physics of Solids is the co-hosting institution of the present Max Planck Research School, also located in Dresden. The main investigation field of the Institute is experimental research of intermetallic phases and modified systems with new chemical and physical properties.

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